Math Stack Movers

Do the heavy lifting of learning math with Math Stack Movers! Math Stack Movers is an engaging educational game covering basic arithmetic across grades K-5. You will be tasked with stacking numbered boxes on a palette to solve equations. At higher grade levels, gain access to packing labels and tape to solve problems in new, creative ways. Once the truck has been loaded up, it ships out and you will be given a new set of equations to solve. Put your skills to the test and see how many trucks you can load before the timer hits 0!


  1. Easy touch controls, just drag and drop
  2. The challenge grows with you: scaling difficulty from grades K-5
  3. Use tape to moveboxes faster, allowing you to solve more equations
  4. Packing labels will let you change the values of boxes, providing a whole new layer of play
  5. No ads or in-app purchases

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